Toys to Help Develop Gross Motor Skills

  1. Baby Toys
  2. By Skill Level
  3. Toys to help with gross motor skills development

When it comes to helping children develop their gross motor skills, toys can play a key role in their growth. Whether it's a baby crawling for the first time or a toddler learning to jump and run, the right toys can help them gain strength and coordination. From ride-on toys to puzzles and games, there are many types of toys that can help children develop their gross motor skills. This article will discuss the various types of toys available to help with gross motor skills development, how they can help, and which ones are best for children of different ages. We will also cover some tips on how to choose the best toys for your little one. Gross motor skills involve the development of large muscles such as those used for walking, running, and playing.

Toys that promote gross motor skill development can help children practice their physical skills while having fun. There are different types of toys that can help with gross motor skills development, each promoting different physical skills. Examples include balls, playhouses, ride-on toys, wagons, and climbing structures. When choosing toys for gross motor skill development, it is important to consider the age range of the child.

For infants, toys like rattles and activity mats can help them practice basic movements like reaching and rolling. For toddlers, simple toys like balls and push-and-pull toys can help them build strength and coordination. For older children, complex toys like climbing structures can help them practice more advanced movements such as jumping and running. To maximize the potential of these toys, set up a designated play area with plenty of space for the child to move around. Provide guidance on how to use the toy safely and encourage the child to explore different activities with it.

You can also join in on the fun by playing catch or racing your child. Additionally, make sure the toys you choose are age and interest appropriate. It is also important to supervise your child during playtime to ensure they stay safe.

Age Range

When selecting a toy to help with gross motor skills development, it is important to consider the age range of the child. Different toys are designed for different age groups and may not be developmentally appropriate for all children.

For example, an infant who is just beginning to explore their environment may benefit from a toy that encourages them to move and explore safely, such as a soft play mat. On the other hand, an older toddler may be better served by toys that require more complex movements, such as a ride-on car or a ball pit. It is also important to select toys that are appropriate for the child's developmental level. Toys that are too difficult for the child can be discouraging and lead to boredom, while toys that are too easy can be boring and fail to challenge the child. To ensure the best results, it is important to choose toys that match the child's current developmental stage and abilities.

Types of Toys

There are many toys that can help children develop their gross motor skills.

Some of the most common types of toys for gross motor development include ride-on toys, push-and-pull toys, balls, and climbing toys. Let’s take a closer look at each type.

Ride-on Toys:

These are toys like tricycles, rocking horses, and scooters. Ride-on toys help children practice balance and coordination as they move around. They are especially helpful for building strength and confidence in toddlers.

Push-and-Pull Toys:

Push-and-pull toys such as wagons, shopping carts, and wheelbarrows help children practice coordination and gross motor skills while having fun.

These types of toys also help children to work on their spatial awareness and problem solving skills.


Balls are essential for any child’s development. Whether it’s a large ball or a small one, balls help children practice their coordination, balance, and hand-eye coordination as they move the ball around.

Climbing Toys:

Climbing toys such as slides and monkey bars are great for helping children to build strength and coordination. Climbing also helps children to develop balance, spatial awareness, and problem solving skills.

No matter what type of toy you choose, it’s important to make sure that it’s age appropriate and safe for your child. Make sure to read the instructions carefully before use and always supervise your child when playing with these types of toys.

Tips for Use

When using toys to help develop gross motor skills, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, choose toys that are age-appropriate for the child. This is important for safety as well as for maximizing the potential of the toy.

Second, be sure to provide enough space for the child to use the toy. This will help avoid any unnecessary accidents and also ensure that the child has enough room to move and interact with the toy. Finally, be sure to provide appropriate supervision while the child is playing with the toy. This will help keep the child safe and ensure that the toy is being used correctly. Parents and caregivers can also help foster gross motor skill development by providing verbal encouragement and positive reinforcement.

Praise and positive reinforcement can go a long way in helping children develop their gross motor skills. Additionally, parents can also engage in physical activities with their child. This can be anything from running around outside to playing catch or tag. Engaging in physical activities with your child can help them stay active and motivated to learn new skills. Gross motor skill development is an important part of childhood development, and toys can play an important role in helping children practice their physical skills while having fun.

When selecting toys, parents should ensure that they are age-appropriate and of interest to the child. It's also important to provide guidance on how to use the toy safely and join in on the fun whenever possible. The best toys to help develop gross motor skills vary depending on a child's age and interests. Popular options include ride-on toys, balls, tricycles, sports equipment, foam shapes, puzzles, and musical instruments. With the right toys, children can have a blast while building their gross motor skills.

Horace Deardorff
Horace Deardorff

Passionate twitter ninja. General travel fanatic. Tv ninja. Proud coffee ninja. Certified food specialist.

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