Toys for 6-12 Month Olds: What to Look For and What to Avoid

  1. Baby Toys
  2. By Age Group
  3. Toys for 6-12 months old

When shopping for toys for 6-12 month olds, it is important to consider both the safety and development of the baby. There are a variety of toys available on the market for this age group, but it is important to make sure you choose the right toy that will help the baby's development and provide hours of fun and entertainment. In this article, we will discuss what to look for in the best toys for 6-12 month olds, as well as what to avoid. When selecting toys for 6-12 month olds, it's important to consider age-appropriate toys that help support your baby's development. Age-appropriate toys are important because they provide the right level of challenge and stimulation for the child's development.

Toys that are too easy can be boring, while toys that are too difficult can be discouraging. Choosing age-appropriate toys also helps to ensure that the toys are safe for the child. Developmental toys are designed to help babies develop key skills, including physical, cognitive, and social-emotional skills. Examples of activities that babies can do with developmental toys include grasping, pushing, pulling, squeezing, and exploring objects. These activities help babies learn to coordinate their movements and develop new skills.

Learning toys provide babies with educational opportunities that encourage them to learn and explore. Examples of activities that babies can do with learning toys include sorting shapes, counting objects, and recognizing colors and letters. Sensory toys provide tactile stimulation for babies, which can help them explore their environment and develop their senses. Examples of activities that babies can do with sensory toys include exploring different textures and shapes or playing music. It is important to avoid choking hazards when selecting a toy for a 6-12 month old.

Choking hazards can include small parts or pieces that can be easily removed from the toy, as well as any pieces that could fit inside a toilet paper roll. Parents should also be aware of any strings or cords that could pose a strangulation hazard. It is also important to regularly inspect toys for any signs of wear and tear.


is also important when it comes to selecting toys for 6-12 month olds. Parents should always supervise their child while they are playing with their toys, as even age-appropriate toys can present a risk if not used properly.

Parents should also make sure to remove any toys that have become damaged or broken.

Learning Toys

Learning toys are a great way to help babies develop skills at an early age. They provide a fun and engaging way to introduce your baby to new concepts, such as colors, shapes, numbers, letters, and more. Learning toys also encourage problem solving, motor skills, and cognitive development. Examples of activities that babies can do with learning toys include: building towers with blocks, exploring and matching objects, pushing and pulling objects for motor skill development, and sorting objects by size or color. When selecting learning toys for your 6-12 month old baby, look for toys that are colorful and have different textures.

Soft blocks, stacking cups, shape sorters, and activity cubes are all great choices. Also look for toys with large buttons or knobs that are easy for little hands to grip and manipulate. These types of toys help promote fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

Developmental Toys

Developmental toys are important for babies aged 6-12 months because they help foster learning and development. These types of toys can help babies learn skills like object permanence, cause and effect, and hand-eye coordination.

Developmental toys also help to stimulate babies' senses, helping them to learn more about the world around them. Examples of activities that babies can do with developmental toys include stacking rings, pressing buttons to make lights and sounds, and playing with shape-sorting blocks. These activities help babies learn about different shapes and sizes, as well as hand-eye coordination. Developmental toys also encourage babies to explore with their hands, helping them develop their fine motor skills. In addition to educational toys, it's also important to choose toys that are safe for babies. Make sure the toys are made from non-toxic materials, are the right size for a baby's hands, and have no small parts that could be a choking hazard.

Sensory Toys

Sensory toys are an important part of helping your 6-12 month old develop.

They help babies explore their senses and learn about their environment by providing stimulating tactile, visual, and auditory experiences. Examples of sensory toys include rattles, balls, blocks, teethers, stacking rings, and fabric books with textures. These toys help babies explore different textures, shapes, sounds, and movements. Rattles provide auditory stimulation and can help babies develop their motor skills. Balls can help babies learn how to roll and crawl.

Blocks provide a tactile experience that helps babies learn about shapes and sizes. Teethers help soothe sore gums and also provide sensory stimulation for babies. Stacking rings can help babies learn about colors and sizes, while fabric books can help introduce babies to new textures. Sensory toys can also be used to teach language and enhance communication.

For example, you can use rattles or blocks to teach your baby words like “rattle” or “block.” You can also use fabric books to read stories to your baby. Through these activities, your baby will learn about different sounds and words.


When selecting toys for 6-12 month olds, it is important to consider not only age-appropriate toys, but also the safety of your baby while playing with them. Supervision is key when it comes to ensuring your baby’s safety while playing with their toys, as many toys are hazardous if not used correctly. To ensure your baby's safety, parents should always supervise their child while they are playing with toys.

It is also important to keep an eye on what your baby is putting in their mouth, as some toys may contain small parts that can pose a choking hazard. When supervising your baby while they are playing, there are a few tips to keep in mind. First, make sure that the toys are age-appropriate and are not too big or too small for your baby. Second, inspect the toys for any sharp edges or points that could cause injury. Third, make sure the toys are made from safe materials and do not contain any toxins or other harmful substances. It is also important to regularly inspect the toys for any wear and tear, as some toys may have loose parts or become damaged over time.

If the toy becomes damaged or broken in any way, it is important to remove it from your baby's play area and replace it with a new toy. Finally, be sure to store the toys in a safe area when not in use. By following these tips and supervising your baby while they play with their toys, you can help ensure that your baby is safe and secure while playing with their new toys.

Choking Hazards

When selecting toys for 6-12 month olds, it is important to be aware of the potential choking hazards. Babies are still developing their motor skills and have a tendency to put things in their mouths. It is essential that all toys be age-appropriate and free of any small pieces that could be easily swallowed. To avoid any choking hazard, it is important to check the size of the toy before purchasing.

Toys meant for 6-12 month olds should not have any parts that are smaller than 1.25 inches or can fit inside of a toilet paper roll. Toys should also be free of sharp edges, removable parts, and strings or cords that are longer than 7 inches. It is also important to supervise your baby when playing with toys to ensure that they are not putting any pieces in their mouth. If you see your baby attempting to put something in their mouth, it is best to take it away from them immediately. By following these safety guidelines, you can help ensure that your baby has a safe and enjoyable playtime experience. In conclusion, when selecting toys for 6-12 month olds, parents should look for age-appropriate toys that support their baby's development. This includes developmental toys such as building blocks and learning toys such as alphabet blocks.

Sensory toys, such as teethers and rattles, are also important for the development of hand-eye coordination. However, parents should be aware of choking hazards and always supervise their baby while they play. The age range of 6-12 months is an important time in a baby's development, so selecting the right toys is essential. Toys can help enhance a baby's physical, cognitive and emotional development.

Horace Deardorff
Horace Deardorff

Passionate twitter ninja. General travel fanatic. Tv ninja. Proud coffee ninja. Certified food specialist.

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